NEJS CONF 2015 Recap
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Stay tuned: NEJS CONF 2018 is coming!
- Website
- Twitter Moment Recap
- Website and Graphic Design by Human Shapes
- Held at the #1 Zoo in the World
- Surprise speaker, 8 year old Lily, talking about her adventures learning JavaScript.
- The SuperBytes playing at the conference after-party.
- did some amazing video interviews of attendees.
Keynote: Responsive, Adaptive, and Responsible
Presented by Christian Heilmann (@codepo8)
Believe in Streams
Presented by Pam Selle (@pamasaur)
Using Custom Elements Today
Presented by Mike Macaulay (@mmacaula)
High Performance in the Critical Rendering Path
Presented by Nicolas Bevacqua (@nzgb)
Reacting to the Isomorphic Buzz
Presented by Bruce Coddington (@brucecoddington)
Architecting Communities
Presented by Amanda Harlin (@amandaharlin)
SVG Animation with Snap.svg
Presented by Julia Smith (@julia67)
You and the Temporal Dead Zone, ES6 Variables for Fun and Profit
Presented by Isaac Murchie (@pamasaur)
Keynote: The Map and the Territory
Presented by Ethan Marcotte (@beep)